Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I've spent most of today preparing a solo that am supposed to sing at a huge Salvation Army event in Hershey, PA.
I've kind of known what I've wanted to sing for some time now but my heart has been renewed as I've practiced this song. The title of the song is 'In your Presence' written by Lynn DeShazo and recorded by Paul Wilbur.
Yes its Old but its come again to me. The words are so powerful because they are a prayer that my heart echoes. I want to be in the presence of God for several reasons;

1. I think better
2. I can see the future in some clear detail (Vision)
3. I get my encouragement from him
4. I get energized for the fight
5. I enjoy spending time with him

My point is this; EVERY LEADER MUST HAVE A TIME TO RECHARGE! You may be reading this and you're a leader who's not a christian and what I've just said is foreign language-that's fine. But the principle is the same- you need to develop some habits that renew your spirit and energize your passion for the vision.
Just as you develop habits to more efficiently execute the vision you have for your life or organization; you must have habits that renew your strength for the fight.

Here are some suggestions;
1. Start with your hobbies- what's fun for you? Do it and relax

2. Read and feed your mind- It doesn't have to be something heavy. It can be a story of someone who has made it in achieving his dream. Other people's testimony are a great source of encouragement.

3. Review your vision and personal goals- This keeps you on track and can be a great motivator especially when you've made progress.

4. Watch an inspiring movie- I find this to work for me; try it!

5. Think and Sleep- You heard me! I've developed a habit of thinking and visualizing my dream. I usually do it in the bathroom- works for me. I go into dreamland and see my vision complete. I inspect it and I even have meetings with very important people. I also do this visualization before I go to bed. My wife and I say goodnight to each other and off i go into dreamland. I usually fall asleep seeing my vision and such kind of sleep can be energizing. It might feel strange at first but train yourself.

Listen you will burn out if you don't get some habits in place for your renewal. This is important and though what I've shared may seem elementary; please don't ignore the principle- EVERY LEADER MUST HAVE A TIME TO RECHARGE!

Does anyone else have any habits that are working for them? Please share that we may use them in our lives as well.
To your success and progress,

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