Friday, March 28, 2008

The Changing Face of South Africa

Disclaimer: I will use some language that might be sensitive to some but please hear me out. I know that in this racially charged world we sometimes can do a lot of damage with our words but please understand the history of south Africa and people like Nelson Mandela whose 27 years of imprisonment secured the rights of Black south Africans. I say "Black" because we also do have Caucasian friends who call this their land, and rightly so for their families have lived in this land for hundreds of years.

Hello friends,

I landed in Africa a few days ago hence the silence on my blog. I have to say that I am impressed with the progress that South Africa is making in regard to Black Empowerment initiatives. For those of you that do not know, South Africa was for many years under apartheid with native black people marginalized and practically banned from participating in their own economy. Today, this country's wounds are slowly healing and racial reconciliation is slowly taking place.

The economy is still strong but most impressively, native black Africans are taking part in the development as government has deliberately come up with programs to help them. Now of course there is still alot to be done but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I do not claim to know everything about South Africa but one thing I do know is that justice and equality for all peoples regardless of race are possible, and that we can all work together to better each others lives.

To your success,

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